Thursday, 24 March 2011

Augmented Reality! Live in an artificial world!!!

Our brain has got two halves, one on either side of the head.The right part hepls us think about music,colours and shapes.The left part helps us with maths ,logic and speech. The right half controls the left side of our body,and the left half controls the right side. But what happens when we use technology to expand the way our brain receives information and the environment to a level beyond what we see? This is an advertisement for an application made for the new apple ipad 2 tablet pc. They are using a technology called "augmented reality", reality that is extended in terms of information and knowledge available on the spot! What it does is that it takes advantage of the gps system built in the device, along with a few sensors and it locates and recognises landscapes, landmarks and points of interest using the built in camera. When you start the application you see on the screen what the camera sees but as you turn the camera you see the information of each building, just like a live tourist guide! You can use augmented reality apps that will help you choose glasses, hairstyle, clothes and even furniture!!!

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