Saturday, 15 December 2012

Apps war in IOS!! Google's apps help iphone 5's sales!

Have you ever wondered why google is offering its applications like google voice search, gmail, youtube, and maps to a competing operating system that the iphone is since they are the developers of android OS and the owners of motorola? The answer is quite simple. Google doesn't make any money off of selling android which is open source. They make money when people use their services. They are more in the ads business rather than make money selling hardware. Google apps like Maps is a fantastic place to sell ads. Maps applications not only know where you are, they know where you’re going to and what types of businesses you are searching. Google Maps for iOS is ad-free at the moment, but not for long since "intention" data is exactly what the advertisers are looking for. Gmail for iOS is also a great opportunity for advertising; the web version of gmail has always had ads based on the content of e-mail messages. Google wants to be present on all major platforms, and they want to offer the best experience and serve its customers wherever they are. Do you own a smartphone? How often do you use it? Which apps do you find most useful?

Friday, 14 December 2012

ePals-Where learners connect!

Epals is a global community of connected classrooms, a social learning network for teachers and students and parents from 200 countries that uses web 2.0 tools (emails, blogs, forums) built in for free. 1500 new schhol profiles are added every month. You can use it for you students to creat a class blog or see more blogs in epals here. Teachers can use it to find a classroom match to join a collaboration of a project with students in a different country or engage with other teachers around projects, activities and great resources in the Teachers'corner.  Students can explore the fun activities, discussions, games and many more in ePals learning centers. After all, it is free to join. Explore the site and tell us if you think that it was useful for you.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Smart desks in classrooms! the future of schools?

Smart tables or smart desks are the new trend in education after the interactive whiteboards have had their chance in classrooms. They are a great way to connect users to each other and to learning and motivate them to collaborate and work as a member of a team. The multi touch, multi-user interactive desks are mainly used for primary education but we are certain they will find their way to more applications in the near future. Students are developing skills like never before in an engaging environment with ready made activities that are easily customised. Do you think that technology has made learning easier and more effective? Would you like it if you were a student in a classroom that uses a smart table? 

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Learn english through movies

Στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο θα βρείτε ένα ασκήσεις και video απο ταινίες για ακουστική εξάσκηση.  

ή εναλλακτικά αυτή τη σελίδα : teachwithmovies

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Never, Ever give up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation

Arthur Boorman, a disabled veteran of the Gulf War, was told by his doctors that he would never be able to walk on his own. Until one day he read an article about Diamont Dallas Yoga and he decided to give it a try. He couldn't do traditional exercise so he tried yoga and wrote an email to Dallas telling him his story. Dallas was so moved that he started emailing and speaking on the phone with Arthur encouraging him to keep going and believe that anything is possible. His story is a proof that there are no limits on what we are capable of and we often don't know our own potential. How did the story make you feel? Do you have a similar experience that you want to share?