Saturday, 15 December 2012

Apps war in IOS!! Google's apps help iphone 5's sales!

Have you ever wondered why google is offering its applications like google voice search, gmail, youtube, and maps to a competing operating system that the iphone is since they are the developers of android OS and the owners of motorola? The answer is quite simple. Google doesn't make any money off of selling android which is open source. They make money when people use their services. They are more in the ads business rather than make money selling hardware. Google apps like Maps is a fantastic place to sell ads. Maps applications not only know where you are, they know where you’re going to and what types of businesses you are searching. Google Maps for iOS is ad-free at the moment, but not for long since "intention" data is exactly what the advertisers are looking for. Gmail for iOS is also a great opportunity for advertising; the web version of gmail has always had ads based on the content of e-mail messages. Google wants to be present on all major platforms, and they want to offer the best experience and serve its customers wherever they are. Do you own a smartphone? How often do you use it? Which apps do you find most useful?

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