Saturday, 24 April 2010

Will the ipad change the way we learn?

The ipad, the tablet pc by Apple, has sold more than 500.000 items since its introduction the first 3 days after it was released! Never before in history, a computing device was easier to use . It is not the things you can do with an ipad, like browsing the net, read ebooks and magazines, watch videos, play games and much more, but the way you do it. You don't need a mouse and a keyboard, instead you use your fingers and gestures in a way that is friendly for the user, which makes it easier for children and seniors to take advantage of what technology and the internet has to offer nowadays. Children seem to love it and it is easy to understand that technology has become more accesible them. All in all, future generations will talk about the ipad as the begining of a new era the way our generation see the invention of printing!


Anonymous said...

that grandmother the best think i ever see

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with you pal
The writer Andreas

Anonymous said...

Well i want an ipad too.About the ipad i think its very usuful for all people !!!!! Ipad has internet,photos.books,music.videos as a normal computer!
athanasia E1

Anonymous said...

Since iPad has already been introduced to schools as a new mean of accessing the internet and learning information as fast as possible it's surely going to change the educational system in each country which uses it. From almost every aspect it's better than a laptop, with about the same price.
I think it's one of technology's best achievements for 2010.
!~Sokratis Vogiatzakis CPE3~!

Anonymous said...

haha^^ i was absolutely sure that sokraths already adores it!, as he is a computer wizz.
And suprisingly i agree with him!

P.S,: I haven't posted any comments lately but i am going do it straight away.!

*Izabella K. CPE 1/3*

Anonymous said...

Suprisingly I already knew Sokratis' opinion kai I actually agree with him.
It is very useful but not essential.

P.S.: I haven't posted any comments lately because I hadn't much time. I hope it won't happen again! I know you miss me :P